MV United is solely run by volunteers. From top to bottom, it's our volunteers that allow MV United to offer soccer to kids from pre-k to high school.
With that said, we are in need of even more help. Below is a list of some of the positions we are looking to fill. We understand that with professional and personal responsibilities time is at a premium.
You don't have to jump in with both feet, any time you can offer would make a huge difference!
Below is a list of positions throughout our organization that we are looking to fill. Please take a look at our needs and let us know if you would be willing to offer any amount of help.
Board of Directors
Currently we have 3 open spots on our Board of Directors. We meet once a month to discuss all areas of our organization. Within our Board of Directors, we fill numerous jobs and directorships.
Recreational Program
Our Recreational Program is made up of 3 divisions: Mini Kickers (Pre-k through K); Grades 1 & 2; and Grades 3 & 4.This program is run by our program director Richard Bennett. We are looking to fill the following 3 new positions:
Recreational Director for Mini Kickers
Recreation Director for 1st & 2nd grade
Recreational Director for 3rd & 4th grade
These new roles will work alongside Richard and allow us to improve some of the things our rec. program offers. Richard will oversee each one of the roles below and work side by side with them as they learn our program and the areas of need.
Island League
Our Island League program runs in the fall only and is for kids from 5th - 8th grade. The program is broken down into a 5th-6th grade group and a 7th-8th grade group. Each of these groups has two directors, one for the girls and another for the boys. Currently we only have two directors in place and they are in the 7th-8th grade group. While they are doing there absolute best to run the entire program, we would love to offer them support by filling these two positions.
Island League Director for 5th-6th grade Girls
Island League Director for 5th-6th grade Boys
If you think you can offer any amount of time to help us, we welcome you! Please reach out and let us know!